The Pier Shareware 2
The Pier Shareware Number 2 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso
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┌─────────── ────────────────────────────────────────
│ - Archive Utilities
│ Files: 4 Bytes: 2,963,842
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~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2SFX.ZIP 2 files for creating self extracting
archives to be used with LHARC and PKZIP
AC301.ZIP AC- The Archive Converter V3.01 Improved
AC updates archives. Support for nested
archives, custom command line switches,
ability to add/delete archivers or
dearchivers. Plus much more.
AF125.ZIP Archive Finder version 1.25 First Englis
version of a French dos program designed
search files in archives and on disk.
Support for ARJ ZIP LZH PAK ARC ZOO...
fast, handy and powerful. Public domain
with TP sources (v4.0 to 7.0). Try it,
it and adopt it. A must have !
AM92.ZIP ArcMaster v9.2 - Shell for Compressed Fi
AM_50.ZIP OnLine Archive Master v1.50 ARChive View
ARCID103.ZIP Archive Identifier 1.03 - A utility for
automatically identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZ
extension, including self-extracting
archives! Tiny and incredibly fast.
ASZR201.ZIP Archive Sizer 2.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LH
ZIP Splitter. Archive Sizer by Jibben
Software splits and sizes all types of
files, including archived files. Versat
AT708E.ZIP ArcTool v.708E - File Compression Utilit
CKOT20.ZIP CheckOut V2.0. Converts archieves betwe
types, scans contents for virus. Many
COMPRSRS.ZIP COMPRSRS ZIP 2713 1-06-93 Compressors'
performance tests - 1-6-93 Results of
comparative tests of popular compression
programs. Compares Pkzip 2.04c and 1.10
ARJ 2.39b, and LHA 2.13, using all of th
compression choices, on text files, bina
files (programs), and database files.
DISLT115.ZIP Expand exe files compressed by PKLITE 1.
even those with "extra" compression.
DOZIP61.ZIP DOZIP v6.1 Create ZIP File from a Menu
DXP210.ZIP Disk Express 2.10 Ultimate Diskette Imag
Archiving Program. Lots of New Features
This Release.
FV143.ZIP FV v1.43: verbose archive directory list
that will display the names and attribut
of files contained w/in archive files
w/extensions of ARC, ZIP, PAK, DWC, LZH,
ZOO, LBR, & most self-extracting .COM/.E
files created by archive utilities
GIFLT200.ZIP GIFLITE 2.00, GIF-to-GIF Compressor GIFL
is a GIF file compressor which compresse
GIF files by an average of 30% and yet s
preserve the same quality and resolution
HA098.ZIP Ha v0.98 compression/archive utility.
Produces very small archives, but slow a
LCKR201.ZIP LHA Chunker 2.01 - Fast! LHA Splitter b
Jibben Software. LHA Chunker splits and
sizes all types of files, including LHA
files. Will split to a size to fit spec
floppy format or to user determined size
Files except LHA files can be rejoined.
LHA252.EXE LHA v2.52 - Yoshi - docs/text in Japanes
NCAV20.ZIP (V2.0) The Norton Commander Archive View
a small utility to manipulate ARC, ARJ,
PAK, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of option,
easy to use, can also be used as stand-a
util, Norton Commander is not needed, US
PKPRES16.ZIP PKpress 1.6 Scans for zip files, maximiz
with 1.1 or 2.04g zip versions. It also
automatically CONVERTS 1.1 zip files to
2.04g! Fully functional and not cripple
PKWHOOPS.ZIP File From The Engineers Club BBS in San
Telling About Several Problems With PkZI
PKZ204G.EXE The latest version of PKZip
PKZ2_NG.ZIP Norton Guide DataBase Covering PKZIP 2.x
PKZWARN.ZIP Reveals problems with pkz204c.zip.
SQZ1083E.ZIP Sqz is A File-Compresser/Archiver. Crea
Small Archives With A Good Rate of
Compression. 32-Bit Crc Both on Files A
Sqz Itself. New Move Command. Easy to
no Extraction to Com0..9/Con/aux.
SUBZIP21.ZIP SubZIP 2.1 - Compress and uncompress you
subdirectories with PKZIP to save valuab
drive space. Menu-driven, easy to use,
command line version included
SWIT_210.ZIP Switcher version 2.10 -- A utility for
converting files that were compressed wi
one type of file compression program int
another form. Can check each archive fo
viruses before it converts.
TESTF10.ZIP Testfile v1.0 * This is a drop in
replacement for the TESTFILE.EXE that is
sent with the PCBoard code. Supports AL
major archives. Freeware by Tom Carroll
Dataware Software
UNZ50P1.ZIP UNZIP.EXE - Lots or nice options! Sourc
Code is Available - FREE - Nice Program.
has 92 docs, 93 exe...
VIP_61A.ZIP ZIPfile Utility. Official Release 6.1
View/Extract/edit/delete Individual File
From Within ZIPfiles. Will Operate With
Pkzip 2.04 or PkZIP 1.10 Also Works With
6. etc Registration is Still Only $10
Version 6.1 Has A Screen Saver Built In.
WARNPK.ZIP Warning from arc master about pkzip 2.04
Z2A225.ZIP Zip2Arj v2.25 - Converts .ZIP files into
.ARJ files on the command line. Require
PKUNZIP.EXE and ARJ.EXE, supports and
tempdir that you choose. Using a RAM dr
for that makes this conversion fast. Wo
with no known bugs.
ZAD10.ZIP Zip A Directory Creates A Zip From A
Directory Which Contains All Its Files A
Subdirectories. Then deletes unzipped.
Tree Structure Of The Subdirectories Is
Preserved In The Zip. 3 Compression opt
ZCKR201.ZIP Zip Chunker 2.01 - Fast! ZIP File Split
by Jibben Software. Zip Chunker splits
sizes all types of files, including ZIP
files. Will split to a size to fit spec
floppy format or to user determined size
Files except ZIP files can be rejoined.
ZFACE71.ZIP ZFace v.71: menu driven interface for PK
Zip, view, unzip or zip2exe by selecting
files from a list. Easy to use, just ba
options. Use the keyboard or MOUSE. <A
ZGREP30.ZIP Unix Style ZIP Search Utility.
ZIPCHN10.ZIP EZ ZIP CHANGER v. 1.0 is a very simple
program that goes through your whole dis
drive and updates all your ZIP files to
newest version. Make sure you have the
newest version of PKZIP and PKUNZIP
somewhere in your path. Shareware, $1.
ZIPCVT27.ZIP ZIP Converter 2.7 converts ZIPs from 1.x
2.04 format. It can be used on both har
and floppy drives. ZIP Converter will n
convert ZIPs already in 2.04 format. It
be run on a single file or directory.
ZIPFO20.ZIP ZipFo v2.0 - quickly give ALL informatio
about any zipped file.
ZIPR31.ZIP ZIP'R v3.1 - Hard Disk Space Saving Util
ZIP'R is file compression / program
launching utility that uses ARJ, LHA, SQ
or PKZIP/PKUNZIP to store programs in
compressed form, saving hard disk space.
Version 3.1 increases the speed of the
accurate file size calculation by almost
factor of two, and fixes a couple of min
ZIPVU124.ZIP ZipView v1.24: View/execute files from w
ZIPs. Requires PKUNZIP & LIST. Compati
w/PC Tools "launch" cmd. V1.24 updated
PKZIP v2.0x.
ZL2B0117.ZIP Ziplab Plus 2.0 Updated [1/1].
ZM31.ZIP SipMaster v3.1: Powerful, full-featured
& program manager.
ZP192X32.ZIP Version 1.9 of Info Zip's Zipper. 32 bi
Now works with FAT partitions.
ZTESTR1.ZIP Ztestr1 V1.00 Release 1 ZIP Downconverte
Converts ZIPs Zipped With V2.04c to V1.1
Allows Upload Test Programs That Aren't
Compatible With The New PkZIP Version to
Test The Upload Without Crashing Your Sy
ZTL17.ZIP ReXX Script For Converting Any Format
Archive to Any Other Format Archive.
Includes Ability to Update Files
ZVER.ZIP Quick Basic source determine if PKzip 1
ZZAP66A.ZIP Exchange formats on archiving